My SQL |
Creating and modifying MySQL databases in cPanel.
My SQL Wizard |
Create and manage MySQL databases with this step by step wizard.
Change Style |
Changing the look of cPanel to fit your personal style.
Update Your Info |
Change your contact information & preferences.
Shortcuts |
Easily access your cPanel by adding cPanel shortcuts to your desktop or browser's bookmarks toolbar.
Change Password |
Change the main password for your account.
Password Protected Directories |
Learn how to limit access to a certain part of your site by requiring a user name and password to access a folder or folders from the web.
GnuPG Keys |
Generate or import GnuPG Keys to encrypt messages using a "public key" that can only be decrypted by a "private key", which is retained by the intended recipient of the message.
Hotlink Protection |
Prevents other websites from directly linking to files on your website.
IP Deny Manager |
Block a range of IP addresses to prevent them from accessing your site.
Site Builder
Blogs, Bulletin Boards, CMS, Chat, Ecommerce, and more!
SSH/Shell Acess |
Manage your SSH keys to allow automation when logging in via SSH.
File Manager |
Quickly manager all of your files with the new File Manager.
Backups |
Download (to your computer) a zipped copy of either your entire site (your home directory, databases, email forwarders configuration, email filters configuration) or one of the previously mentioned parts of your site.
FTP Accounts |
Access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP.
WebDisk |
Easily drag and drop files to your hosting account.